by Broderick Perkins
DeadlineNews.Com Copyright © 2012

Deadline Newsroom - DeadlineNews.Com has grown expotentially a whopping 500 percent in page views since it's relaunch back in September 2011.
So, the place you want to be to enjoy all the action, here on out, is DeadlineNews.Com not this moth-balled blog - which we may later resurrect as another DeadlineNews Group project.
Instead, check out DeadlineNews.Com's relaunch announcement and dive right in. There's lots to see and do.
New and improved DeadlineNews.Com
We've loaded the new and improved DeadlineNews.Com site with a host of features.
• Breaking news, feature news, more news, news first. Here's where we really shine. We frequently beat the big boys and aren't modest about rubbing their faces in it.
News is available in dozens of categories and sub-categories. It's presented on-site in a variety of formats - text, photos, infographics and video. You can also enjoy the convenience of subscribing to our emailed news and you can choose from a host of targeted rss feeds from one feed from the entire site or tailored feeds from specific categories.
• Hand-holding design. Our web designer Ned Buratovich didn't just carve out a visually appealing news portal - though that was a major feat. Buratovich stuck around to keep our site in tip-top shape and to work as our editorial artist who shakes things up with political illustrations that keep readers on their toes, thinking fast and having a little fun.
• A diverse staff. We've got professional journalists, industry professionals, young writers who keep the old scribes fresh, interns experiencing on-the-job training to learn the ropes and a host of great contributors who keeping coming back to give you more.
• A network of still more news. The DeadlineNews.Com network doesn't stop on our digital pages but extends to other publications online and off where our work is syndicated. Network with the DLN Network under the menu with the same name.
• Depth. Two on-site news search engines, instantly updated archives, a simple-to-follow site map and descriptive article tags add still more dimension to the DeadlineNews.Com experience, when it comes to quickly finding what you need.
•The new Deadline Newsroom. The new Deadline Newsroom, has been converted to our back shop where we keep news about us, buzz, free content and other behind the scenes information.
Don't waste any more time. Go to DeadlineNews.Com for all the "News that really hits home."
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